2018 Zoo-phonics Catalog
Preschool · Head Start · Kindergarten · First Grade · Special Education · ELL
Zoo-phonics Will Reach Every Child! Welcome to Zoo-phonics!
Toddlers Head Start Preschool Kindergarten First Grade
Our society is capital letter and letter name entrenched. The problem is that we use capital letters only 5% of the time and then only for specific reasons (in a name, to begin a sentence, etc.). The same goes for letter names. We never say “double u” (w), or “ache” (h), “el” (l), “em” (m), etc., when reading. Traditionally, capital letters and letter names are always taught first. This is inci- dental (important, but incidental) information when first learning the alphabet. Let’s hit the bull’s eye with relevant instruction, and we will maximize children’s learning. The Zoo-phonics Program fully involves the child’s eyes, ears, mouth and body as they learn phonemic awareness, the alphabet, and how to decode (read) and encode (spell/write). Zoo-phonics is so playful. Watch baby animals as they play. They are in constant motion as they wrestle, jump, roll, snarl, yip and growl. This is important preparation for adulthood. The same goes for children. They’re in constant motion, and they love to make noise. So let’s use what is natural for them and channel it for learning! If they are moving, they are not only having fun, but they are processing information through this important movement and sound production! Zoo-phonics has a strong parent compo- nent because we know that helping parents help their children is crucial. Parents bond with their children as they “play” Zoo-pho- nics. No longer is there a power struggle with homework! Says Program Specialist, Sally Mathers, Great Falls, Montana, “Parents are no longer threatened when asked to help their children with homework.” Teachers love Zoo-phonics because students learn quickly, without stress, and retain what they learn. Zoo-phonics brings fun and excitement into the classroom, thus motivating students. Zoo-phonics fosters success by helping children feel good about their reading, spelling and writing ability. No child slips between the cracks! School is a fun place to be where successful learning takes place.
English Language Learners Special Education (all grades)
The problem with the alphabet and learning how to read and spell is that it is too abstract. So, we made it concrete! Toddlers and preschoolers are so ready to learn, but parents often wait for the school to begin the literacy process, missing years of precious time. Researchers tell parents, “Teach your children; their brains are ready!” Howev- er, you cannot teach young children through abstract methods and materials – they do not understand abstractions. Make it concrete, however, and there is no limit to what they can learn. Their neurons are making pathways like freeways! Our Animal Letters are delightful and memo- rable. Here’s why: A bear is a bear, is a bear, no matter how you turn him!
Can you say this about a “b”?
d b Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Welcome to Zoo-phonics!
The ESSENCES of Zoo-phonics 1) The Animal Alphabet helps children remember the shapes and sounds of the letters. 2) Letter sounds are taught before letter names. 3) Lowercase letters are taught before capital letters. 4) The Body Movement for each Animal Letter helps “cement” the phonemic information into memory (connecting sounds to letter shapes). 5) The alphabet is taught sequentially, and as a whole entity, “a – z.” The alphabet is not fragmented. 6) Short vowels are taught before long vowels. 7) Phonemic patterns (at, bat, fat, sat, etc.) are taught first rather than random word lists (of, it, then, was, etc.). 8) The Zoo-phonics curriculum is fully integrated with other subjects.
Zoo-phonics Will CLOSE your Classroom’s Gender Gap Research finds that boys test behind girls on almost all academic milestones. The latest NAEP writing assessments show boys scoring an average 20 points lower than girls. For those in low economic areas, English Language Learners, or who are special education students, the chasm is even larger. The results reveal how crucial the early years of school are in laying the foundation to allay this discrepancy. Zoo-phonics is the “equalizer.” According to Michael Gurian’s Research 1 : Boys’ brains are “wired” in such a way that language is a more difficult skill for them to acquire and use effectively in learning than it is for girls. Early-childhood language activities must be paired with movement and or the use of manipulatives. Boys are more dependent on pictures, diagrams and graphs. Girls write, read, and speak more words than males. The teacher must engage boys by appealing to their “competitive energy” through physical movement and manipulation of physical objects and games. This is exactly what Zoo-phonics does best. It uses pictorial
mnemonics (animal letters), and body movements (kinesthetic mnemonic), and teaches through physical games and activities. It makes an abstract skill (language) concrete and playful. No longer are boys left behind in early education language arts lessons! Gurian, M. & Ballew, A. (2003) The Boys and Girls Learn Differently Action Guide for Teachers . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers 1 Gurian, M. & Stevens, K. (2005) The Mind of Boys, Saving our Sons from Falling Behind in School and Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Welcome to Zoo-phonics!
Zoo-phonics and Children with Special Needs
If one perceptual channel is weak, there are three other channels to take over and support the weak one. For example, if a child has an auditory deficit, his or her eyes, mouth, and body will take over and help him or her to access, understand, memorize, use, and transfer the new information. Children learn though Zoo-phonics when no other program works. The colorful Animal Letters and Body Move- ments (Signals) engage the child and hold his or her attention. The curriculum is so playful, children not only want to learn, their behav- ior improves. The children are on task and happy while learning through Zoo-phonics. Instead of telling children to “sit down and be quiet,” we encourage them to wiggle their hands and body, and make sounds (letter sounds)!
Besides learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD and dyslexia, children who, having been diagnosed with autism (including Asperger’s Syndrome), apraxia, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, deaf, hard of hearing, etc., have quickly learned the alphabet and have been able to learn to read, spell and write through the Zoo-phonics meth- odology. Children (and their parents) quickly see their own progress, and self-image and confidence grow. Children have been success- fully mainstreamed or included because of the efficiency of Zoo-phonics. Zoo-phonics works exceptionally well with students with learning disabilities because it is concrete, uses pictorial mnemonics, and is kinesthetic, and multi-sensorial. With Zoo-phonics, children learn to read and spell through their eyes, mouth, ears and body.
Zoo-phonics WILL Accelerate Your Talented and Gifted Students
it can reverse patterns of underachieving behavior that are too prevalently seen in our classrooms, especially as students age. Zoo-phonics makes it easy for you to reach all these precocious students by providing challenging curriculum
Talented and gifted students come to our class- rooms with brains, minds, and hearts hungry for learning. Too often, these students are left to their own devices or are given busy work. Del- isle and Berger state, “A young, curious student may easily become ‘turned off’ if the educational environment is not stimulating… approaches are inappropriate…assignments are consistently too difficult or too easy.” With Zoo-phonics, you can easily extend each concept in the lessons, which will lead students to more detail and depth in their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Zoo-phonics will not only accelerate your gifted learners,
that stimulates their interests. Parents will be thrilled with their children’s progress. Administration will be thrilled by the end-of-year results.
Reaching ALL students! “THANK YOU! I teach preschoolers who are deaf and hard of hearing in an auditory-oral school at Vanderbilt University. I have been using your curriculum for the past five years and consistently teach 3,4 and 5 year-olds who are profoundly deaf, often times with little to no language, the ENTIRE alphabet including sound-symbol. Watching my student’s eyes light up during Zoo-phonics everyday is heart warming. I hope that other auditory-oral deaf schools and special education preschool teachers discover the same gem that I did 5 years ago.” - Katie Kiske, Teacher of the Deaf, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Visit zoo-phonics.com to read the latest full research!
Three-Year-Old Head Start/Preschool Students’ Alphabetic Knowledge Study
# of Letters
Letter Names
Letter Sounds
Animal Names
Body Signals
Figure 1. Lowercase Alphabetic Proficiency for 3-Year-Old Preschoolers
This study was conducted using 188 Head Start three-year-olds enrolled in the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. All enrolled students participated in the study regardless of ability or language. All students attended the half-day Audubon Head Start/Preschool in Ohio County School District, Hartford, Kentucky.
Four-Year-Old Head Start Students’ Alphabetic Knowledge - Half-Day Program
# of Letters
Animal Names
Letter Names
Animal Names
Letter Names
Letter Sounds
Body Signals
Body Signals
Letter Sounds
Figure 2. Lowercase and Uppercase Alphabetic Proficiency for 4-Year-Old, Half-day Preschoolers
A cohort of 538 four-year-old preschoolers who attended the Audubon Head Start/Preschool Program in Ohio County School District, Hartford, Kentucky were used in this study. Students attended half-day classes between two and five days a week and attended the Head Start/ Preschool Program during the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-17 school years.
You’ll see INCREDIBLE RESULTS... Independent Research PROVES it!
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Visit zoo-phonics.com to read the latest full research!
Four-Year-Old Students’ Alphabetic Knowledge - Full-Day Program
# of Letters
Animal Names
Animal Names
Letter Names
Letter Names
Body Signals
Body Signals
Letter Sounds
Letter Sounds
Figure 3. Lowercase and Uppercase Alphabetic Proficiency for 4-Year-Old, Full-day Preschoolers
A cohort comprised of 413 four-year-old low income, multi-ethnic preschoolers was used in this study. Students attended one of four district-operated preschool programs in the Putnam City School District (PCS), in Oklahoma and the Franklin County School District (FCSD), in Tennessee during the 2015- 2016 and 2016-2017 school years. There was no significant difference in scores between genders.
Gender Study
# of Letters
Animal Names
Animal Names
Letter Names
Letter Names
Body Signals
Body Signals
Letter Sounds
Letter Sounds
Figure 4. 4-Year-Old, Full-day Preschool, Year-End Alphabet Proficiency for boys and Girls
The trend of girls performing better than boys is essentially eliminated with less than one letter difference in lowercase letters and no differences across the uppercase variables. Boys and girls effectively performed equally by the end of the year. Mean scores indicate that near-mastery in all alphabetic knowledge was achieved for almost all four-year-old students regardless of gender or low SES. Kindergarten data shows the same trends.
Famous Researcher’s Grandchild Loves Zoo-phonics!
“My oldest grandson, Andrew, went to kindergarten in Redondo Beach,California, where his teacher was using a program called Zoo-phonics to introduce the students to the alphabet and reading. Andrew’s family came to Tallahassee that year for Christ- mas, and Andrew’s dad told a funny story about something that had taken place two weeks earlier (first week in December). Andrew had brought home from school one of the decodable books that are included with the program to read to his
parents. These books are written to provide practice for children in using the letter-sound relationships they have learned in class to identify words in printed text. They are not always great literature, but they do help students learn how to use “phonics” skills to decode unfamiliar words in text. Well, Andrew was reading along quite nicely, since he was already learning to decode quite well, when he came to one of those words that “don’t play fair.” Some programs call them “outlaw” words, or irregular words - words that
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Visit zoo-phonics.com to read the latest full research!
STAR Testing - Kindergarten 2016 - 2017
% of Students
Urgent Intervention 10 - 24 th Percentile
On Watch 40 - 59 th Percentile
Intervention 25 - 39 th Percentile
Benchmark 60 th Percentile and above
90 th Percentile
Figure 5. Kindergarten STAR Fall and Spring Results. STAR Early Literacy results organized by category to determine proficiency and identify students in need of interventions and growth, fall-to-spring.
In the 2016-2017 school year, a cohort of 317 kindergartners, attending 6 rural, low income elementary schools in Ohio County School District, Hartford, Kentucky, were used in this study.
STAR Testing - First Grade 2016 - 2017
# of Letters
Urgent Intervention 10 - 24 th Percentile
On Watch 40 - 59 th Percentile
Intervention 25 - 39 th Percentile
Benchmark 60 th Percentile and above
90 th Percentile
Figure 6. First Grade STAR Results – Spring. STAR Early Literacy results organized by category to determine proficiency and identify students in need of interventions.
The First Grade Cohort group was comprised of 287 first grade students from Ohio County School District, Hartford, Kentucky. All students enrolled in first grade classes, including students with special needs and limited English proficiency, were included in this study.
knew there was a system to the way words worked in print--he didn’t have to just guess or call his teacher when he came to a word he didn’t know-
don’t follow standard letter-sound conventions. My son David correctly told Andrew that he would not be able to sound that word out but would simply have to learn it, whereupon Andrew looked up at him very seriously, and said “That’s because you don’t know Zoo-phonics!” We laugh at this story because we know that Andrew was being a little over-confident, but as his grandfather, I took great comfort in the fact that it was only December of his kindergarten year, and Andrew already understood and had confidence in using the alphabetic principle to decode unknown words in print. Sure, he would need to learn to be flexible (particularly with vowel sounds), but here it was December of kindergarten, and he already
-he could think about it, apply his analytic skills, and usually identify the word on his own.” - Joseph K. Torgesen Ph.D Chair of Psycholo- gy and Education Flor- ida Center for Reading Research at Florida State University
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The Preschool Kit Our Preschool Kit has everything you need to easily teach the alphabet, phonemic awareness, rhyming, pre-sound blending, and pre-writing skills. Your students will even begin to put Animal Letters together to see how letters form words! Clear day-to-day instruction is provided in the Adventures in Learning Preschool Level Manual . The companion CD Manual, Adventuresome Kids , connects phonemic awareness and the alphabet with math, art, physical education, dance, drama, music, nutrition, science, social studies, etc. This Kit is designed for ages 18 months - five years of age. • Adventures in Learning – Preschool Level Manual • Adventuresome Kids CD (in PDF format) – Alphabet and Phonemic Awareness Activities that Cross the Curriculum • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of matching Lowercase Letters • Capital Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Capital Letters on one side and with Capital Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Picture Cards with corresponding Body Signal instructions on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Lowercase Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Capital Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Capital Letters on reverse • Music That Teaches CD with all of our most popular original songs and lyric booklet • Signal Practice DVD • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital, and Capital Letter • Activity Worksheets * (mazes, figure-ground, handwriting) • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster Order Number BKT4218 Price $329.95 *These materials are reproducible. Enhance your Preschool Kit with the Digital Curriculum DVD! Only $50 more! Order Item Number BKD4221
Kits & Zoo-pers
over 25% savings! over individual purchase
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The Preschool Zoo-per Package The Preschool Zoo-per Package is designed to offer the most comprehensive and affordable method for implementing Zoo-phonics. In addition to the Preschool Kit , the Preschool Zoo-per Package has controlled vocabulary readers, “a - z” reinforcement games, science, art, computer fonts, clip art, and puppet patterns. • The Preschool Kit PLUS: • Reader Level A • Book 1 (6 copies) • Zoo-Bingo • 3 in 1 Game • Gordo Gorilla’s Banana Party Game • Zoo Fonts • Magnets (6 sets) • Rubber Stamp Set • Nature Cards • Color Mini-Books set of one of each title (29 Mini-Books) • Animal Alphabet Puppet Patterns * • How to Draw Activity * • Student Handwriting Worksheets * • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster • Zoo-Animals Wall Border Order Number ZOP4221 Price $599.95 *These materials are reproducible. Includes the Preschool Kit !
Kits & Zoo-pers
over 50% savings! over individual purchase
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The Kindergarten Kit Our Kindergarten Kit has everything you need to easily teach the alphabet, phonemic awareness, rhyming, sound blending (synthesis and analysis), reading, spelling, and writing. Faster than you ever expected, your students will be reading, spelling, and writing! Clear instruction is provided in the Safari into Reading, Spelling and Writing – Kindergarten Level Manual with Common Core Standards included with each lesson. The companion CD Manual, Adventuresome Kids , connects alphabet and phonemic awareness with math, art, physical education, dance, drama, music, nutrition, science, social studies, etc. • Safari into Reading, Spelling and Writing – Kindergarten Level Manual • Adventuresome Kids CD (in PDF format) – Phonemic Awareness Activities that Cross the Curriculum • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of matching Lowercase Letters • Capital Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Capital Letters on one side with corresponding Capital Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Picture Cards with corresponding Body Signal instructions on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Lowercase Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Capital Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Capital Letters on reverse • Music That Teaches CD with all our most popular original songs and lyric booklet • Beginning Sound Flash Cards (blends & digraphs) • Signal Practice DVD • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital, and Capital Letter • Activity Worksheets * (mazes, figure-ground, handwriting) • Digital Curriculum Whiteboard DVD • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster Order Number BKT4219 Price $379.95 *These materials are reproducible.
Kits & Zoo-pers
over 25% savings! over individual purchase
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The Kindergarten Zoo-per Package The Kindergarten Zoo-per Package is designed to offer the most comprehensive and affordable method for implementing Zoo-phonics. In addition to the Kindergarten Kit , the Kindergarten Zoo-per Package has many controlled vocabulary readers, reinforcement games, science, art, handwriting activities, etc. • The Kindergarten Kit PLUS: • Reader Level A • Books 1, 2 & 3 (6 copies each) • 3 in 1 Game • Gordo Gorilla’s Banana Party Game • Zoo Fonts • Magnets (6 sets) • Rubber Stamp Set • Nature Cards • Animal Alphabet Puppet Patterns * • How to Draw Activity *
Kits & Zoo-pers
• Zoo Mini-Books Black Line Masters and Teacher’s Guide* • Color Mini-Books set of one of each title (29 Mini-Books) • Zoo-Bingo • Student Handwriting Worksheets * • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster • Zoo-Animals Wall Border Order Number ZOP4222 Price $699.95 *These materials are reproducible.
Includes the Kindergarten Kit !
over 50% savings! over individual purchase
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The 1 st Grade Kit The three Manuals for 1st grade teach a full year’s curriculum for reading, spelling and writing. They quickly review the alphabet, get into VC/CVC words, and develop a foundation for more advanced reading and writing skills. Children will then learn all the blends, digraphs, three ways to make a long vowel (no, made, read), schwa sound, and diphthongs (aw, au, ow, etc.). Your students will not only learn to read from wonderful literature (developing important oral language and critical thinking skills) but will read from controlled reading text, insuring students’ reading success. The spelling and writing materials also teach punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. Journal writing through valuing topics is included. The Zoo-phonics Quick Tests assess these skills as well.
• Expeditions Into Spelling 1st Grade Level (with Common Core Standards listed for each unit) • Expeditions Into Reading 1st Grade Level (with Common Core Standards listed for each unit) - CD-ROM Version** • Expeditions Into Writing 1st Grade Level (with Common Core Standards listed for each unit) - CD-ROM Version** • Treasure Chest of Activities - DVD- ROM Version** • The Zoo-phonics Quick Tests for the Classroom Kindergarten through 3rd Grade Level – CD-ROM** • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of matching Lowercase Letters • Capital Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Capital Letters on one side with corresponding Capital Letters
• Small Animal Alphabet Picture Cards with corresponding Body Signal instructions on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Animal/ Letter Cards with corresponding Lowercase Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Capital Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Capital Letters on reverse • Music That Teaches CD with all our most popular original songs and booklet of lyrics • Signal Practice DVD • Beginning Sound Flash Cards (blends & digraphs) • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital and Capital Letter • Activity Worksheets * (mazes, figure-ground, handwriting) • Digital Curriculum Whiteboard DVD • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster
Kits & Zoo-pers
Order Number BKT4220 Price $379.95
over 25% savings! over individual purchase
* These materials are reproducible. ** Digital files are produced in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Simply open the document on your computer, and print the pages you need!
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The 1 st Grade Zoo-per Package The 1 st Grade Zoo-per Package is designed to offer the most comprehensive and affordable method for implementing Zoo-phonics. In addition to the 1 st Grade Kit, the 1 st Grade Zoo-per Package has many controlled vocabulary readers, reinforcement games, science, art, handwriting activities, etc. • The 1 st Grade Kit PLUS: • Reader Level A • Books 1, 2 & 3 (6 copies each) • 3 in 1 Game • Gordo Gorilla’s Banana Party • Zoo Fonts • Magnets (6 sets) • Rubber Stamp Set • Nature Cards • Animal Alphabet Puppet Patterns * • How to Draw Activity *
Kits & Zoo-pers
• Zoo Mini-Books Black Line Masters and Teacher’s Guide* • Color Mini-Books set of one of each title (29 Mini-Books) • Zoo-Bingo • Student Handwriting Worksheets * • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster • Zoo-Animals Wall Border Order Number ZOP4223 Price $699.95
Includes the 1 st Grade Kit !
*These materials are reproducible.
over 50% savings! over individual purchase
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
NEW! The Jumpstart Adventure Kit Get your toes wet with The Jumpstart Adventure Kit! This incredible new Kit provides teachers with a quick way to “jumpstart” children who are still struggling with the alphabet, phonics, reading, spelling, and writing at any point in the school year. Zoo-phonics is so concrete, playful, physical, vervistic, and memorable, that children cannot help but gain critical literacy skills quickly. This Kit provides up-and-out-of-your seat activities crucial for children who “love to move and move in order to learn.” It contains instruction for all areas of literacy: alphabetics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, phonics, handwriting, reading, spelling, writing; reading groups, and how to read “closely.” This Kit has been created for toddlers, preschoolers, Transitional Kindergartners (TK’s), kindergartners, and 1 st graders. The Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide is designed to get teachers started right away with or without a workshop. (Workshops are available.) matching Lowercase Letters • Merged Capital Letters • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital and Capital Letter • Music That Teaches - 4 downloadable songs in MP3 format • Zoo-Instructional Videos - 3 online videos to guide new users in the use of the Zoo-phonics Multisensory Language Arts Program • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster Order Number JSK0218 Price $199.95 • Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of
Kits & Zoo-pers
* These materials are reproducible.
Integrates with Your Adopted Program
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
The ELL Kit The Zoo-phonics Methodology is fun and efficient for English Language Learners! Because children use animals drawn in the shapes of the letters and body movements to learn the alphabet, the sounds of the alphabet (the very sounds they need to learn to speak English) are mastered in a few days. All phonemic awareness skills are taught with the animal alphabet so children gain the foundation for future speech, reading, spelling, and writing. Within months, children are able to put VC/CVC words together as well as learn the meaning and usage of the words. Within a short time, more challenging graphemes/phonemes (still using the animal letters and body movements for memory) are taught along with sentence structure, word meaning, and the rules for capitalization and punctuation. Literature, music, movement, and drama are a strong part of the curriculum. The magic is the fun that the children have as well as gaining high success. Few other programs can say that their methodology is an equalizer in the classroom.
Kits & Zoo-pers
• Using the Wild to Teach the Child A standards and skill-based K-2 jumpstart lesson guide specifically designed for the ELD Student • Adventuresome Kids CD (in PDF format) – Phonemic Awareness Activities that Cross the Curriculum • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of matching Lowercase Letters • Capital Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Capital Letters on one side with Capital Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Picture Cards with corresponding Body Signal instructions on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Lowercase Letters on reverse • Small Animal Alphabet Merged Cap- ital Animal/Letter Cards with corresponding Capital Letters on reverse
• Music That Teaches CD with all our most popular original songs and lyric booklet • Beginning Sound Flash Cards (blends & digraphs) • Signal Practice DVD • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital and Capital Letter • Activity Worksheets * • Reader Level A • Books 1, 2 & 3 (1 copy each) • Animal Alphabet Puppet Patterns * • Zoo Mini-Books Black Line Masters and Teacher’s Guide* • Color Mini-Books set of one of each title (29 Mini-Books) • Student Handwriting Worksheets * • The Zoo-phonics Quick Tests for the Classroom Kindergarten through 3rd Grade Level – CD-ROM** • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster
Order Number ELD4221 Price $419.95
over 30% savings! over individual purchase
* These materials are reproducible. ** Digital files are produced in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Simply open the document on your computer, and print the pages you need!
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Zoo-per Upgrade Preschool, Kindergarten or 1 st Grade Level
Complete your Zoo-phonics Kit with our Zoo-per Upgrade ! This upgrade contains all of the support materials found in the Zoo-per Packages on pages 8, 10 and 12 for one great price! The Zoo-per Package has been designed to offer the most comprehensive and affordable method for implementing Zoo-phonics. The Zoo-per package has many controlled vocabulary readers, reinforcement games, science, art and handwriting activities, etc. Prior Kit purchase required.
Preschool Level Order Number PZU4353 Price $349.95
Kindergarten Level Order Number KZU4354 Price $399.95 1 st Grade Level Order Number FZU4355 Price $399.95
Kits & Zoo-pers
K - 1 st Grade Zoo-per Upgrade shown
Zoo-phonics Wins a National Award!
The Zoo-phonics’ Safari Into Reading, Spelling and Writing for Kindergarten has won the “Teacher’s Choice Award” from Learning Magazine ! The Zoo-phonics’ Adventures in Learning for Preschool Curriculum has also won this covetous award. The complete curriculum for each academic level was sent to Learning Magazine and disseminated to either preschool or kindergarten teachers who then peer-
review them. Analyses and critiques are made by the teachers, and the curriculum is either awarded or rejected. Both awards came with critical acclaim for excellence. For 18 years, the Learning ® Magazine Teacher’s Choice Awards have heralded the very best in classroom-tested, teacher-recommended products. Each year the nationwide panel of teachers and judges name the standouts in books, classroom curriculum, supplies, educational games, software, websites, etc.
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Alphabetic, phonemic awareness and pre-reading, spelling, and writing skills are taught in a fun and playful format and are sequential, developmental, and age-appropriate. Each weekly unit highlights one of the Zoo-phonics Animal Let- ters and its sound, “allie alligator to zeke zebra,” in a daily format. Lesson plans include whole group instruction, rotating group activities, and one-on-one teach- ing. Informal assessments are built into each weekly lesson. Literature is connect- Adventures in Learning Preschool Level Manual Includes Adventuresome Kids CD-ROM Version! (Included in Preschool Kit )
Teaching Manuals
ed to all areas of the curriculum. Age appro- priate activity templates are included. These comprehensive lessons meet and exceed the State Preschool Desired Results, the Head Start Performance Standards, and Federal Child Outcomes. The lessons are flexible so you can use them for your half-day centers or your full-day “two- to five-day- a-week” centers. For ages 18 months - five years. Excellent for Special Education and ELL as well. Adventuresome Kids Manual on CD is also included which integrates art, math, music, science, drama, physical education, social studies, cooking, and nutrition, etc., all taught phonemically. Order Number PSM4355 Price $109.95
Meets and Exceeds Common Core Standards!
Safari into Reading, Spelling andWriting Kindergarten Level Manual Includes Adventuresome Kids CD-ROM Version! (Included in Kindergarten Kit )
This Manual is designed to teach children to develop oral and written language skills as well as to read, spell, and write. Zoo-phonics starts with the recognition and mastery of the alphabet (lower and uppercase and letter sounds and names), phonics awareness activities, sound blending skills, reading and spelling of VC/CVC, high frequency, blend, schwa, digraph, and long vowel words. Children will be reading, spelling, and writing by mid-year! Included are many age appropriate activity templates for fun reinforcement activities, including “home-play” activities. Decodable text, as well as a selected varied genre of literature, is integrated into the lesson plans. Divided into Monday - Friday lessons. Includes Common
Core Standards for each lesson. The Adventuresome Kids Manual on CD is also included which integrates art, math, music, science, drama, physical education, social studies, cooking, nutrition, etc., all taught phonemically. Order Number KGM4298 Price $109.95
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Expeditions Into Spelling 1 st Grade Level Manual – Printed Version Includes the Expeditions Into Writing - CD-ROM version* Includes the Expeditions Into Reading - CD-ROM version* Includes the Treasure Chest of Activities - DVD-ROM version* (Included in 1 st Grade Kit ) Each spelling unit teaches how to Signal and sound most graphemes,
phonemes, and word families plus step-by-step instruction, broken into Monday-Friday lessons and activities. Each unit contains more teaching ideas and reproducible black line masters for student activities than a teacher can use in a week! (It’s great for after-school programs!) It also includes homework activities. This manual includes creative as well as structured lessons and directly relates to Expeditions into Reading Manual. Included, the Reading Manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the Expeditions Into Spelling and Expeditions Into Writing Manuals.
Teaching Manuals
The units are formatted into Monday - Friday lessons and activities, including phonemic awareness, phonics, decodable text and literature instruction, oral and written language, and homework, suggestions for reading models, numerous teaching ideas, and reproducible black line masters. Also included is the Writing Manual with many reproducible activities, editing sheets, and teaching ideas to aid in understanding the constructs of writing as well as encouraging creative writing. Writing prompts, stationary, handwriting practice, and clip art are included. Student journals, which incorporate student valuing, are part of Expeditions Into Writing . Also teaches capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Order Number FSP0209 Price $109.95
Meets and Exceeds Common Core Standards!
Using theWild to Teach the Child Manual A standards and skill-based K -3 jumpstart lesson guide specifically designed for the ELD Student Includes Adventuresome Kids CD-ROM Version!
Zoo-phonics jumpstarts English Language Learners by quickly teaching them the sounds of the alphabet and phonemic awareness (sound placement in words, rhymes, word families, segmenting, closing, syllabication, etc.). It also teaches English vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. English Learners are able to get back into the classroom’s adopted series more successfully using the Zoo-phonics method. Zoo-phonics meets and exceeds standards for both ELD and English language arts. Standards
are connected with every lesson taught. Order Number UTW4292 Price $85.95
* All materials included on CD and DVD-ROM disks are produced in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader for PC and Macintosh included.
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Zoo-phonics Basic Reading Assessment (Z-BRA) Includes the Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level - CD-ROM version* The Zoo-phonics Basic Reading Assessment (Z-BRA) provides preschool teachers a quick assessment test on all aspects of both lower- and uppercase alphabets: shapes, sounds, letter names, Alliterative Animal Names, Body Signals, and letter and number formation. For kindergarten teachers , tests assess student knowledge of the alphabet, letter and number formation, VC/CVC word lists, and reading samples; phonics tests will cover schwa, blend and digraph words, and reading samples; the first 25 Most Frequently Used Words. Available in both Preschool and Kindergarten versions. Each version contains: • 25 individual Student Test Booklets • 1 set of reproducible Student Worksheets • Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level - CD-ROM version* As an added value , the Zoo-phonics Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level CD-ROM Version * is included. It provides Quick Tests to assess all areas of language arts, individually or in groups. Included: phonemic awareness, the alphabet, letter recognition, VC/CVC words, blends, digraphs, long vowels, diphthongs, silent and soft letters, high frequency words, reading, writing ability, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Suggestions for improving skills and working with Special Education and ELL students are included. Aligns to Common Core Standards to skills, helps teachers write IEP’s, and gives suggestions for remediation.
Teaching Manuals
Preschool Level Order Number ZBR2240 Price $49.95
Kindergarten Level Order Number ZBR2241 Price $59.95
Adventuresome Kids – CD-ROM * (Included in Preschool, Kindergarten, and ELL Manuals ) Zoo-phonics believes whole-heartedly in integrated curriculum . To the delight of teachers and children, Zoo-phonics has created the Adventuresome Kids Manual on CD (600 pages) providing interconnected “a-z” lessons for math, art, music, science, social studies, social interaction, psycho-motor, sensory experience, drama, cooking, nutrition, health, and grooming (self-help skills) . A large assortment of black line masters includes: nursery rhymes, stories, poems, and art; science, math, and social studies activities; word games; our Animal Alphabet Alliterative Sentences; Phonics Sound Flash Cards and Cartoons; Journal Prompts; Student Awards, Zebra-striped Elkonin Boxes, etc. Order Number ADK2003 Price $29.95
* All materials included on CD and DVD-ROM disks are produced in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader for PC and Macintosh included.
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 1 (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) This full-colored Reader Level 1 (with the focus on “a-z,” VC/CVC words) is the Reader that teachers, students, and parents have come to love. It contains short sentences about each animal, “a-z,” that children can easily sound blend and read. The sentences are controlled to a VC/CVC level so emergent readers can Signal, sound, and close the words successfully and eventually read “on sight.” A blend (and) is introduced along with the digraph “th” and two schwa sounds (a, the). This is the beginning Reader in the Level A Series and helps build children’s reading confidence. Word lists
and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2166 Price $10.95
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 2 (Included in Kindergarten and 1st Grade Zoo-per Packages ) Focused on “a-z,” Consonant-Vowel-Consonants and some blends, Reader Level A•2 is the next Reader in the sequence of the three Readers (A•1, A•2 and A•3) . Your favorites, “allie alligator” through “zeke zebra,” come alive again bringing new story lines, vocabulary, illustrations, and increased words per page. Blends are introduced along with the digraph “th” and two schwa sounds. The Reader Level A•2 is a must for the emergent reader. It provides controlled vocabulary for student practice and success. Capital letters are introduced. Word lists and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2254 Price $10.95
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 3 (Included in Kindergarten and 1st Grade Zoo-per Packages ) Reader Level A•3 is the final Reader in the “A” Series . The number of CVC and blend words has increased, but the vocabulary is still controlled. Capital letters are found in the animals’ names. Word lists and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2168 Price $10.95
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Zeke and His Pals, Level A Reader Set Includes one each of Readers A•1, A•2 and A•3 Order Number RSA4198 Price $29.95
Zeke and His Pals, Level A Bundle
Includes ten each of Readers A•1, A•2 and A•3 Order Number RDB2274 Price $249.95
over $60 savings! over individual purchase
Zoo Mini-Books Black Line Masters and Teacher’s Guide (Included in Kindergarten and 1st Grade Zoo-per Packages ) This set contains 88 reproducible mini-books featuring the Zoo-phonics Characters. The Zoo Mini-Books become a child’s first reading series as each word is decodable. The vocabulary is controlled by using Vowel-Consonant (VC), Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) and extends to blend words, digraphs, long vowels, diphthongs, and many high frequency words. Each Mini-Book is supported by a lesson plan that includes a word list, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, critical thinking skills, and word meaning. The Zoo Mini-Books
are great to send home for students to read aloud to their family members. Order Number RDR2183 Price $43.95
When the Body Moves, the Brain Remembers!
Neuroscientists have discovered that when the body moves, the brain remembers more clearly and for longer periods of time (Ratey, 2008). Robust movement causes a neurochemical to secrete a protein (called neurotransmitter) which pours onto the neurons, acting like a fertilizer. This chemical is called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and builds neural circuitry and strengthens the neural connections that bring information into long term memory (Ratey, 2008). Ratey calls this ― Miracle-Gro for the brain! (Ratey, 2008, p. 42).
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Color Mini-Books Classroom Sets (29 titles)
(Set of one each included in the Preschool, Kindergarten and 1 st Grade Zoo-per ) The Zoo-phonics characters come alive in these colorful Mini-Books . Children will love the fun stories and illustrations! Each Mini-Book contains four pages with simple vocabulary to more advanced readers. The vocabulary is controlled by using Vowel-Consonant (VC), Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC), short vowel sounds, schwas, blends, and digraphs. Includes a set of six of each title (174 Mini-Books) and the Zoo Mini-Books Black Line Masters and Teacher’s Guide. Order Number CMB4357 Price $299.95
Set of one of each title (29 Mini-Books) Order Number CMB4356 Price $59.95
Zoo-phonics Works WONDERS! “One of my students, Anna, is 6 years old and has Down Syndrome. She has been in my classroom since March. Anna had absolutely no letter or sound recognition at all. On day one I introduced the alphabet with the Zoo-phonics method. Some of the kids really went to town on it while others seemed to not be paying attention or giving it any effort (Anna being in the latter part of the group). Well, on the 7th day of school Anna came up to me at my desk and opened her arms and started doing the motion for Allie Alligator and said /a, a, a/ with a big smile on her face. I said, “What does Bubba Bear say?”, and she proceeded to do the motion with a /b, b, b/. I was flabbergasted! We continued on through the entire alphabet, and that little hotdog knew 14 of the 26 letter sounds after only 6 days of school and Zoo-pho- nics! I had tears in my eyes!!!!”
- Melissa Sochacki, Teacher, Bay City, MI
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Zoo-phonics Music That Teaches CD (Included in all Kits )
Now also available
Music & Games
This contains all of our most popular music: “We Are Zoo-phonics Kids,” “Zoo-robics,” “The Jump Rope Rap,” “The Flash Card Rap,” and a digraph square dance called “Pick-a-Pick-a-Partner,” plus “Queeny & Umber Quality Friends” (story and music) bonus track. It also includes an extra play of “Come Meet Us at the Zoo,” and a complete booklet of lyrics. This product is also available for purchase as a digital download on our website. Visit zoo-phonics.com for more information. Order Number MCD4350 Price $21.95 Zoo-Bingo “a-z” (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) Packet of 30 double-faced cards with caller’s card. Animals on one side, Merged Animal/Letters on the reverse side. Order Number ZOB0090 Price $15.95
as a digital download!
Head Start Teachers Love the Results of Zoo-phonics too! “I teach a Head Start class that includes three- and four-year-old children. I was initially concerned about presenting the entire Zoo-phonics alphabet to the children at one setting. But the first time I presented the alphabet they wanted to do it again! They loved it! They learned the sounds and movements after just one week. Every day they would come in and ask to do Zoo-pho- nics. They were proud that they had learned it! Within a week I noticed that the children were relating the sounds and movements to letters and words around the room and in books. I would pick up a book and a child would say, “‘Home’ is a word like Honey Horse.” They just started to become aware of the letters and sounds. Within six weeks the children could combine the sounds of letters to start to form words like c-a-t. They also began to notice if a word ended in “Sammy Snake.” The best part was the feedback I got from the parents when the children went on to kin- dergarten this last fall. The children from my class were very well prepared and had great advantage because of Zoo-phonics!” - Janet O’Connor, Head Start Teacher, Grapeview, WA
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Gordo Gorilla’s Banana Party (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) This Signal and sound reinforcement game is for two to eight players or teams and can be played on four levels: 1. “a-z,” using Signals and sounds 2. “Beginning Level,” using the (orange) Beginning Sound Flash Cards (sold separately) 3. “Intermediate Level,” using the (blue) Intermediate Sound Flash Cards (available on the Treasure Chest of Activities DVD-ROM ). 4. Use a stack of VC/CVC
Music & Games
words and/or High Frequency Words. It reinforces the alphabet and provides a base for more challenging skills development. Game includes a 24” x 17” full-color game board, banana cards, spinner, and animal game pieces.
Order Number GGG4197 Price $21.95
3 in 1 Game “a-z”
(Included in Zoo-per Packages ) Deck of 53 cards with three different games (Old Maid, Zoo- Fish, Zoo-Memory). You can use them to spell words and read them too! Cards correspond to Small Merged Animal Alphabet Cards. Order Number CRD0110 Price $13.95
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
Activity Worksheets (Included in all Kits ) Over 180 reproducible activities. These activities are designed to develop perceptual abilities: visual, spatial, figure-ground, eye-hand, and fine-motor coordination, which will strengthen coloring, cutting, pasting, tracing, tracking, dot-to-dots, and matching skills. The packet also contains pages of various levels of the handwriting process. The handwriting activities will help develop letter formation, alphabetical order, and word for- mation. Other worksheets allow the students reading and spelling opportunities. Each activity was carefully designed to meet the developmental needs of young writers. Order Number WKB4349 Price $43.95
Support Materials
only $2 each!
Zoo-Coloring Book “a-z” Finally Zoo-phonics has its own coloring book! Teachers have been asking for this for years! This wonderful 8.5” x 11” coloring book is based on the favorite reader, Zeke and His Pals, Level A•1, and includes lines for printing practice. Your students will love to color and learn more about their favorite Zoo-phonics Animals. In time, perhaps your students can write captions for the artwork, adding another avenue for language skill development. It is
bundled as a set of 25 for your entire classroom for one terrific low price! Order Number ZCB2006 Price $54.95
Zoo-phonics Makes Believers Out of Our Toughest Critics... “I started teaching Zoo-phonics when I worked in Western Placer School District. I didn’t want to do it!!!! I was dead set against it! I was FORCED into it. THANK GOODNESS! I have been using it ever since and wouldn’t use anything else! I’m so grateful for a way to teach phonics that the children love. Thanks Zoo-phonics!” - Cheri Smith, Teacher, Grizzly Hill Ele- mentary, North San Juan, CA
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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