2018 Zoo-phonics Catalog
NEW! The Jumpstart Adventure Kit Get your toes wet with The Jumpstart Adventure Kit! This incredible new Kit provides teachers with a quick way to “jumpstart” children who are still struggling with the alphabet, phonics, reading, spelling, and writing at any point in the school year. Zoo-phonics is so concrete, playful, physical, vervistic, and memorable, that children cannot help but gain critical literacy skills quickly. This Kit provides up-and-out-of-your seat activities crucial for children who “love to move and move in order to learn.” It contains instruction for all areas of literacy: alphabetics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, phonics, handwriting, reading, spelling, writing; reading groups, and how to read “closely.” This Kit has been created for toddlers, preschoolers, Transitional Kindergartners (TK’s), kindergartners, and 1 st graders. The Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide is designed to get teachers started right away with or without a workshop. (Workshops are available.) matching Lowercase Letters • Merged Capital Letters • Alphabet Grid Set * (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital and Capital Letter • Music That Teaches - 4 downloadable songs in MP3 format • Zoo-Instructional Videos - 3 online videos to guide new users in the use of the Zoo-phonics Multisensory Language Arts Program • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster Order Number JSK0218 Price $199.95 • Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of
Kits & Zoo-pers
* These materials are reproducible.
Integrates with Your Adopted Program
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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