2018 Zoo-phonics Catalog
Zoo-phonics Basic Reading Assessment (Z-BRA) Includes the Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level - CD-ROM version* The Zoo-phonics Basic Reading Assessment (Z-BRA) provides preschool teachers a quick assessment test on all aspects of both lower- and uppercase alphabets: shapes, sounds, letter names, Alliterative Animal Names, Body Signals, and letter and number formation. For kindergarten teachers , tests assess student knowledge of the alphabet, letter and number formation, VC/CVC word lists, and reading samples; phonics tests will cover schwa, blend and digraph words, and reading samples; the first 25 Most Frequently Used Words. Available in both Preschool and Kindergarten versions. Each version contains: • 25 individual Student Test Booklets • 1 set of reproducible Student Worksheets • Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level - CD-ROM version* As an added value , the Zoo-phonics Quick Tests for the Classroom Preschool through 3rd Grade Level CD-ROM Version * is included. It provides Quick Tests to assess all areas of language arts, individually or in groups. Included: phonemic awareness, the alphabet, letter recognition, VC/CVC words, blends, digraphs, long vowels, diphthongs, silent and soft letters, high frequency words, reading, writing ability, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Suggestions for improving skills and working with Special Education and ELL students are included. Aligns to Common Core Standards to skills, helps teachers write IEP’s, and gives suggestions for remediation.
Teaching Manuals
Preschool Level Order Number ZBR2240 Price $49.95
Kindergarten Level Order Number ZBR2241 Price $59.95
Adventuresome Kids – CD-ROM * (Included in Preschool, Kindergarten, and ELL Manuals ) Zoo-phonics believes whole-heartedly in integrated curriculum . To the delight of teachers and children, Zoo-phonics has created the Adventuresome Kids Manual on CD (600 pages) providing interconnected “a-z” lessons for math, art, music, science, social studies, social interaction, psycho-motor, sensory experience, drama, cooking, nutrition, health, and grooming (self-help skills) . A large assortment of black line masters includes: nursery rhymes, stories, poems, and art; science, math, and social studies activities; word games; our Animal Alphabet Alliterative Sentences; Phonics Sound Flash Cards and Cartoons; Journal Prompts; Student Awards, Zebra-striped Elkonin Boxes, etc. Order Number ADK2003 Price $29.95
* All materials included on CD and DVD-ROM disks are produced in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader for PC and Macintosh included.
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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