2018 Zoo-phonics Catalog
How to Draw Activity (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) This packet of 26 reproducible pages includes “how to draw” directions (three levels of difficulty) for each Zoo-phonics animal using simple shapes. It is a great “centers” activity. It also helps children connect the animals to the letters and their sounds, teaches eye-hand coordination, and letter and word formation. It is guaranteed to add to the fun in the classroom! Order Number HTD2338 Price $11.95 (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) These are reproducible patterns for the 26 Zoo-phonics Animals in two sizes, designed to be used to create paper bag puppets, finger puppets, stick puppets, pellon puppets, and headband and painter’s cap characters. These puppets reinforce alphabet, phonemic awareness and phonics skills. They also make great book jackets for student journals. Order Number STP2233 Price $11.95
Support Materials
Animal Alphabet Puppet Patterns
Student Handwriting Worksheets “a-z” (Included in Zoo-per Packages )
The reproducible worksheets for all levels contain controlled vocabulary that follows the text in the Reader A•1 . The students can practice their handwriting and read their sentences in class and at home. Each page can be colored, and an alphabet book can be compiled. Order Number HWG2196 Price $11.95
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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