2018 Zoo-phonics Catalog
Zoo-phonics Workshops
Join us for a “Hands On” Workshop in your area! Our Zoo-phonics workshops enable teachers to effectively teach all aspects of language arts starting with the alphabet as the foundation for reading, spelling, and writing. Zoo-phonics is a multisensory method that uses cute animal letters and body “wiggles” to teach children the alphabet, phonemic awareness, and phonics, all taught through physical and playful games and activities. Children need to wiggle to learn, especially little boys! Let them learn and wiggle at the same time! Our Zoo-phonics workshops will teach you how!
Our Comprehensive Part I Workshop...
Emphasizes the alphabet, VC/CVC words, blends, digraphs, the schwa sound. A short introduction to the more advanced phonemic concepts (long vowels, diphthongs, silent letters and soft sounds) is included. Demonstrates how to reach all of your students (Special Needs Students, English Language Learners, the Gifted, etc.).
Teaches the Animal Alphabet which “cements” sounds and shapes of the letters into memory through a Body Movement, allowing the children to utilize the alphabet immediately in the classroom and home environment. hierarchy: listening, speaking, reading, and writing presented through playful and physical activities and games. Briefly presents research from neuroscience and the cognitive sciences. Introduces new teaching ideas to help you teach phonics, sound blending, reading, spelling, writing, capitalization and punctuation, and critical thinking skills through use of both decodable readers and wonderful literature. www.zoo-phonics.com has a complete list or workshops near you! Sequentially and developmentally teaches through the educational
Get a ONE DAY WORKSHOP with a KIT starting at $419.95 *
* plus CA sales tax
Co-author of the Zoo-phonics program Charlene Wrighton Ed. D. pictured.
Advanced Training and “Make and Take” Workshops Available! Let us deliver a private workshop for your group!
College credit available! For more information, please contact Charmaine Erwin at 1.800.622.8104.
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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