2019 Catalog Zoo-phonics
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 1 (Included in Zoo-per Packages ) This full-colored Reader Level 1 (with the focus on “a-z,” VC/CVC words) is the Reader that teachers, students, and parents have come to love. It contains short sentences about each animal, “a-z,” that children can easily sound blend and read. The sentences are controlled to a VC/CVC level so emergent readers can Signal, sound, and close the words successfully and eventually read “on sight.” A blend (and) is introduced along with the digraph “th” and two schwa sounds (a, the). This is the beginning Reader in the Level A Series and helps build children’s reading confidence. Word lists
and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2166 Price $10.95
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 2 (Included in Kindergarten and 1st Grade Zoo-per Packages ) Focused on “a-z,” Consonant-Vowel-Consonants and some blends, Reader Level A•2 is the next Reader in the sequence of the three Readers (A•1, A•2 and A•3) . Your favorites, “allie alligator” through “zeke zebra,” come alive again bringing new story lines, vocabulary, illustrations, and increased words per page. Blends are introduced along with the digraph “th” and two schwa sounds. The Reader Level A•2 is a must for the emergent reader. It provides controlled vocabulary for student practice and success. Capital letters are introduced. Word lists and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2254 Price $10.95
Zeke and His Pals Reader Level A • Book 3 (Included in Kindergarten and 1st Grade Zoo-per Packages ) Reader Level A•3 is the final Reader in the “A” Series . The number of CVC and blend words has increased, but the vocabulary is still controlled. Capital letters are found in the animals’ names. Word lists and comprehension questions are included. Order Number RDR2168 Price $10.95
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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