2019 Zoo-phonics Catalog
Welcome to Zoo-phonics!
Zoo-phonics and Children with Special Needs
If one perceptual channel is weak, there are three other channels to take over and support the weak one. For example, if a child has an auditory deficit, his or her eyes, mouth, and body will take over and help him or her to access, understand, memorize, use, and transfer the new information. Children learn though Zoo-phonics when no other program works. The colorful Animal Letters and Body Move- ments (Signals) engage the child and hold his or her attention. The curriculum is so playful, children not only want to learn, their behav- ior improves. The children are on task and happy while learning through Zoo-phonics. Instead of telling children to “sit down and be quiet,” we encourage them to wiggle their hands and body, and make sounds (letter sounds)!
Besides learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD and dyslexia, children who, having been diagnosed with autism (including Asperger’s Syndrome), apraxia, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, deaf, hard of hearing, etc., have quickly learned the alphabet and have been able to learn to read, spell and write through the Zoo-phonics meth- odology. Children (and their parents) quickly see their own progress, and self-image and confidence grow. Children have been success- fully mainstreamed or included because of the efficiency of Zoo-phonics. Zoo-phonics works exceptionally well with students with learning disabilities because it is concrete, uses pictorial mnemonics, and is kinesthetic, and multi-sensorial. With Zoo-phonics, children learn to read and spell through their eyes, mouth, ears and body.
Zoo-phonics WILL Accelerate Your Talented and Gifted Students
it can reverse patterns of underachieving behavior that are too prevalently seen in our classrooms, especially as students age. Zoo-phonics makes it easy for you to reach all these precocious students by providing challenging curriculum
Talented and gifted students come to our class- rooms with brains, minds, and hearts hungry for learning. Too often, these students are left to their own devices or are given busy work. Del- isle and Berger state, “A young, curious student may easily become ‘turned off’ if the educational environment is not stimulating… approaches are inappropriate…assignments are consistently too difficult or too easy.” With Zoo-phonics, you can easily extend each concept in the lessons, which will lead students to more detail and depth in their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Zoo-phonics will not only accelerate your gifted learners,
that stimulates their interests. Parents will be thrilled with their children’s progress. Administration will be thrilled by the end-of-year results.
Reaching ALL students! “THANK YOU! I teach preschoolers who are deaf and hard of hearing in an auditory-oral school at Vanderbilt University. I have been using your curriculum for the past five years and consistently teach 3,4 and 5 year-olds who are profoundly deaf, often times with little to no language, the ENTIRE alphabet including sound-symbol. Watching my student’s eyes light up during Zoo-phonics everyday is heart warming. I hope that other auditory-oral deaf schools and special education preschool teachers discover the same gem that I did 5 years ago.” - Katie Kiske, Teacher of the Deaf, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com
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