2024 Zoo-phonics Catalog

Treasure Chest of Activities - (download)

Support Materials

This comprehensive package contains The Language Arts Resource Manual (LARM)* which tells you everything you need to know about the Zoo-phonics curriculum, phonics, and sup port materials. It is like having a workshop right there in your classroom and provides hundreds of literacy instruction, activities, games, and black line masters. The “LARM” spells out how to Signal/sound every grapheme/phoneme for reading, spelling, and writing ; how to use reading groups and incorporate literature and other academic subjects, all while getting your children up-and-out-of-their-seats as they learn! (for Preschool - 1 st grade; ELL, SPED). Package Includes: • Primary Print Handwriting (“a – z,” reproducible) • Beginning Partner Bingo Game (blends and digraphs) • Beginning Sound Flash Card Cartoons and Classroom Activities (blends and digraphs) • Intermediate Partner Bingo Game (schwa, double-consonants, long vowels, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, silent letters, soft sounds) • Intermediate Phonics Sound Flash Cards (schwa, double-consonants, long vow els, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, silent letters, soft sounds) • Intermediate Phonics Sound Flash Card Cartoons and Classroom Activities (schwa, double-consonants, long vowels, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, silent letters, soft sounds) • “Partner” Story Cards (short stories and comprehension questions for: schwa, double-consonants, long vowels, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, silent letters, soft sounds) • Zoo-illion Dollar Word Lists (word lists for VC/CVC words, schwa, double-consonants, long vowels, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, silent letters, soft sounds) • Level B1 Read-Along “Allie, Bubba and Catina” (blends, digraphs), high frequency words • Level B2 Reader Read-Along “The Adventures of Honey Horse” (focus on the “ch-sh-th-wh” digraphs, all graphemes, high frequency words)



• Level B3 Read-Along “Queeny & Umber - Quality Friends” (focus on the “qu” digraph, all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level C1 Read-Along “Deedee and Dandy,” “Ellie Elephant is the Boss,” and “Fancy Francy Fish” (all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level C2 Read-Along “Gordo, Honey and Inny” (all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level C3 Read-Along “Circle of Five” and “Bossy Ellie Learns a Lesson” (focus on the long vowels, all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level D1 Read-Along “Polite Partner Friends” (focus on the vowel-digraph long vowels, all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level D2 Read-Along “Silent Treatment at the Zoo” and “All Soft Inside” (focus on silent letters and soft sounds, all graphemes, high frequency words) • Level E Read-Along “Zoophonia’s Ark” and “Zoo Magic Abounds” (a story and a poem about Zoophonia and all our Animal Friends) Also Includes: Exclusive Songs and Lyrics for B2, B3, C3, D1 and D2 Read-Alongs in MP3 Format!

Order Number TCA2008 Price $39.95

Deedee’s Downloads! Each of the Zoo-phonics materials featured on the Treasure Chest of Activities , and other fantastic products, are also available for individual purchase as a digital download! Visit zoo-phonics.com for more details and to get started with Zoo-phonics instantly!

* All publications included in this download are produced in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Order by calling 1.800.622.8104 • Visit our website at www.zoo-phonics.com


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